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318. SUPER-HEROES WITH WINGS by un'Americana a Venezia
Angeli, eroi, supereroi: sono parole
usate in maniera impropria e inflazionata,
e stanno perdendo il loro significato originario. Un’Americana a Venezia
cerca di mettere un po’ d’ordine. Giustamente Superman nel film 'Superman returns' dice al suo autore: ‘Tu hai scritto che il mondo non ha bisogno
di un salvatore, ma ogni giorno sento qualcuno che lo invoca...’. Roberto Rapaccini
Most children, especially little boys, know a lot about
super-heroes. Ask one and you'll get the
lowdown on Spiderman, Batman, Superman, etc.
Some little girls may even aspire to be Wonder Woman. There are grown-ups in the US who habitually
walk the streets costumed as super-heroes in order to live out their fantasy. One confessed in a documentary that criminals
have used his own Taser on him. "It
isn't pleasant," he noted, resigned.
A super-hero's task is to save the day with no fear for his own
safety. The word "hero" has
been getting a lot of play ever since 9-11.
The firemen of NYC were declared heroes back then. In the ruins of the World Trade Center,
someone placed the fire chief's hat on the visiting President's head as if it
were a crown. In mythology and folklore,
a hero is a being with super-human qualities, often of semi-divine origin. Above all, a hero possesses exceptional
courage. Given the bravery regularly
shown by those who work in dangerous occupations, the overuse of the word
"hero" today is tolerable.
Super-heroes, however, are different.
They come from an unseen dimension and have an awesome job: saving entire cities, saving mankind, saving
the world. The Latin word
"super" means "above, beyond." Kids discover super-heroes in comics, movies,
and toys, but they know little or nothing about the super-heroes of the
Abrahamic religions. Prophets? Disciples?
Apostles? No. Super-heroes have to come from "above,
beyond." In this instance, they
belong to a body of spiritual beings who guard and intercede for mankind. Enter the highest of all angels, Archangels
Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. We meet
them in canonical Scripture. Helpers of
humanity, they direct the Celestial Army of which Michael, often referred to by
Catholics as Saint Michael, is the head.
He is also known as the Prince of the Heavenly Host, the Champion of
God's People, and he who cast the rebels, led by Lucifer, out of Heaven. "Michaell!" was the Celestial
Army's war cry. Saint Michael is the
patron saint of the Italian State Police, too, by the way. Most of us know little or nothing about all
seven Archangels. Lately, only the
deeply religious or else those keen on New Age fads have been invoking angels,
Greek for "messengers."
Super-heroes like Batman are far from reliable these days. Better late than never to turn to allies
whose allegiance we can be sure of:
Archangel Gabriel ("Fortitude Dei; Who stand before God") is
the Angel of Consolation and of Mercy, he who announced the Incarnation to
Mary. Gabriel is also the seventh angel
of the Apocalypse; he'll announce Judgement Day. Archangel Raphael ("God has
healed") is the Angel of Healing and of Safe Travel. Archangel Michael ("Who is like
God?") not only fights the enemy, Satan, on a regular basis but also
rescues the souls of the faithful from the enemy's power, especially at the
hour of death. In many Catholic churches
until 1964, and in some to this day, a prayer written by Pope Leo XIII could be
offered to Saint Michael at the end of mass.
Pope John Paul II suggested that the regular saying of this prayer be
revived for the sake of the Church:
"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our
protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do
thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell
Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of
souls. Amen." Wouldn't it be great if kids learned to
recite prayers to the Archangels instead of casting spells with Harry Potter? Wouldn't it be cool if kids wanted to be more
like Michael with his sword of fire than some big green Hulk or a mechanical
monster? Many would if only they knew
about Michael. It's high time for
concerned adults to step up and help young people take a courageous stand,
because the battle continues hot and heated between the heroes of Right and the
bad guys of Wrong. UN’AMERICANA A VENEZIA
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