assault weapons, you might picture a bunch of those bearded criminals out in the deserts of the Middle East, waving their blasphemous black and white flag while destroying civil liberties and praying for the Apocalypse. What if some of these religious extremists also believed in thoroughly basing the nation's laws on those found in religious scriptures, including the submission of wives to their husbands, and were convinced of the necessity of taking religion-dictated control over all the functions of public life: Business, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, Education, Family and Religion itself. What if capital punishment was prescribed for any and all "crimes against Family," including abortion, adultery, sodomy and belligerent youth disavowed by their own parents? Wouldn't such extremists be guilty not only of intolerance but also of wanting to create a theocracy, a State enmeshed with religion? Wouldn't such leaders be in the same class with the Taliban? To top it off, what if they believed that the Second Coming of Christ cannot possibly take place unless they get control of the Seven Mountains first, those seven functions of public life listed above, so that they and the anointed can eventually rule the world alongside an Avenging Christ, a muscle-bound Jesus who returns to punish unbelievers? Would such people sound more than a little whacky to you, and hardly Christian to boot? Yet, dear readers, such people exist. First they infiltrated the Tea Party, the movement which destabilized the Republican Party, and they are already holding positions of enormous power under everyone's nose. No doubt, they helped get Donald Trump elected. In an old video he said that he was running for President in order, he hoped, "to get into heaven." Now we know where he was coming from. The extremists in his administration subscribe to a school of religious thought called Dominion Theology, closely aligned with a more punitive school known as Christian Reconstructionism. They have been gaining a foothold in America for the past few decades, in the wake of moral and ethical degradation on the homefront. The President's strategic advisor has just used the term "deconstruction" to describe what the new administration's plans are for the future. Clearly, he is talking about undermining certain Constitutional guarantees and perhaps even reversing Supreme Court decisions, in order to rebuild, very possibly, in accordance with the vision of the founder of Christian Reconstructionism, a certain Rousas J. Rushdoony (1916-2001) who said, "We cannot use our thoughts and feelings as a standard: only God's Word is the test," and "The only true order is founded on Biblical Law. All law is religious in nature, and every non-Biblical law-order represents an anti-Christian religion." So, we see, "the anointed elect" or Rushdoony's "covenant people" believe that "He that is not with me is against me." To say that our laws represent an anti-Christian religion (secular humanism) is a very dangerous stretch. There are other religious extremists that have their irons in Rushdoony's fire: Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition, Institute for Christian Economics, the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), WallBuilders, the Senate Conservatives Fund, Keep the Promise Super PAC, Champion the Vote, IHOP, The Call, Christian Nationalists, ad nauseam. With a government founded on religion, secretly or not, it will probably become necessary to install a new Inquisition. What are the fruits of the labors of these extremists thus far, a month into the new presidency? Suddenly some of the nation's most respected news media are under attack, branded daily by their enemies as "fake news" and lately banned from briefings. Meanwhile, the administration is having an orgy with huge corporate interests who are counting on unchallenged monopolies along with major tax cuts. The State Department is headed by someone whose new boss has often called him "Mr. Exxon." As far as the environment goes, well, let God take care of His own creation. These extremists have more pressing things to think about, such as their own prosperity. Reproductive health centers have already begun to lose ground, including those in Africa where contraceptives were supplied for free with U.S. funds. The new head of the Department of Education believes strongly in funnelling taxpayers' money into private religious schools. She is an extremist as is her brother; he is advisor to the president as well as the founder of the world's biggest mercenary army which works today even for China. He was also the Vice-President's biggest financial supporter. The Vice-President doesn't accept the theory of evolution, so that widespread tampering with the Science curriculum in U.S. schools is likely to begin. As Rushdoony said, "The Bible is God's law -- word which must govern every sphere of life and thought." There are other fanatics waiting in the wings, neo-Crusaders who are itching to declare more war on the infidels, immigrants or not. And so what is that part of the Constitution that this new crop of leaders must strive to "deconstruct" first? The Founding Fathers, 90 to 95% of whom were practicing Christians, thought this point was so important in 1791 that they treated it first in the list of ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution known as the Bill of Rights. Written by James Madison, the First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." In other words, the State cannot interfere in the affairs of churches and, by the same token, churches cannot strive to become a State religion. The First Amendment continues with a few more precious rights: "(Congress shall make no law) . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." There it is, the First Amendment. And the last word. The Founding Fathers of the United States of America have spoken. Whoever has ears, let them hear! UN'AMERICANA A VENEZIA
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Questo blog non ha finalità commerciali. I video, le immagini e i contenuti sono in alcuni casi tratti dalla Rete e pertanto sono presuntivamente ritenuti pubblici, pur restando di proprietà del rispettivo autore. In ogni caso, se qualcuno ritenesse violato un proprio diritto, è pregato di segnalarlo a questo indirizzo : Si provvederà all’immediata rimozione del contenuto in questione. RR
If someone described a group of political leaders as being religious
extremists who actively support capital punishment; the use of torture in the
war against extremists of another faith; the establishment of "black
sites" in other States in which to carry out this practice; and the right for
all citizens to bear
assault weapons, you might picture a bunch of those bearded criminals out in the deserts of the Middle East, waving their blasphemous black and white flag while destroying civil liberties and praying for the Apocalypse. What if some of these religious extremists also believed in thoroughly basing the nation's laws on those found in religious scriptures, including the submission of wives to their husbands, and were convinced of the necessity of taking religion-dictated control over all the functions of public life: Business, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, Education, Family and Religion itself. What if capital punishment was prescribed for any and all "crimes against Family," including abortion, adultery, sodomy and belligerent youth disavowed by their own parents? Wouldn't such extremists be guilty not only of intolerance but also of wanting to create a theocracy, a State enmeshed with religion? Wouldn't such leaders be in the same class with the Taliban? To top it off, what if they believed that the Second Coming of Christ cannot possibly take place unless they get control of the Seven Mountains first, those seven functions of public life listed above, so that they and the anointed can eventually rule the world alongside an Avenging Christ, a muscle-bound Jesus who returns to punish unbelievers? Would such people sound more than a little whacky to you, and hardly Christian to boot? Yet, dear readers, such people exist. First they infiltrated the Tea Party, the movement which destabilized the Republican Party, and they are already holding positions of enormous power under everyone's nose. No doubt, they helped get Donald Trump elected. In an old video he said that he was running for President in order, he hoped, "to get into heaven." Now we know where he was coming from. The extremists in his administration subscribe to a school of religious thought called Dominion Theology, closely aligned with a more punitive school known as Christian Reconstructionism. They have been gaining a foothold in America for the past few decades, in the wake of moral and ethical degradation on the homefront. The President's strategic advisor has just used the term "deconstruction" to describe what the new administration's plans are for the future. Clearly, he is talking about undermining certain Constitutional guarantees and perhaps even reversing Supreme Court decisions, in order to rebuild, very possibly, in accordance with the vision of the founder of Christian Reconstructionism, a certain Rousas J. Rushdoony (1916-2001) who said, "We cannot use our thoughts and feelings as a standard: only God's Word is the test," and "The only true order is founded on Biblical Law. All law is religious in nature, and every non-Biblical law-order represents an anti-Christian religion." So, we see, "the anointed elect" or Rushdoony's "covenant people" believe that "He that is not with me is against me." To say that our laws represent an anti-Christian religion (secular humanism) is a very dangerous stretch. There are other religious extremists that have their irons in Rushdoony's fire: Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition, Institute for Christian Economics, the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), WallBuilders, the Senate Conservatives Fund, Keep the Promise Super PAC, Champion the Vote, IHOP, The Call, Christian Nationalists, ad nauseam. With a government founded on religion, secretly or not, it will probably become necessary to install a new Inquisition. What are the fruits of the labors of these extremists thus far, a month into the new presidency? Suddenly some of the nation's most respected news media are under attack, branded daily by their enemies as "fake news" and lately banned from briefings. Meanwhile, the administration is having an orgy with huge corporate interests who are counting on unchallenged monopolies along with major tax cuts. The State Department is headed by someone whose new boss has often called him "Mr. Exxon." As far as the environment goes, well, let God take care of His own creation. These extremists have more pressing things to think about, such as their own prosperity. Reproductive health centers have already begun to lose ground, including those in Africa where contraceptives were supplied for free with U.S. funds. The new head of the Department of Education believes strongly in funnelling taxpayers' money into private religious schools. She is an extremist as is her brother; he is advisor to the president as well as the founder of the world's biggest mercenary army which works today even for China. He was also the Vice-President's biggest financial supporter. The Vice-President doesn't accept the theory of evolution, so that widespread tampering with the Science curriculum in U.S. schools is likely to begin. As Rushdoony said, "The Bible is God's law -- word which must govern every sphere of life and thought." There are other fanatics waiting in the wings, neo-Crusaders who are itching to declare more war on the infidels, immigrants or not. And so what is that part of the Constitution that this new crop of leaders must strive to "deconstruct" first? The Founding Fathers, 90 to 95% of whom were practicing Christians, thought this point was so important in 1791 that they treated it first in the list of ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution known as the Bill of Rights. Written by James Madison, the First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." In other words, the State cannot interfere in the affairs of churches and, by the same token, churches cannot strive to become a State religion. The First Amendment continues with a few more precious rights: "(Congress shall make no law) . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." There it is, the First Amendment. And the last word. The Founding Fathers of the United States of America have spoken. Whoever has ears, let them hear! UN'AMERICANA A VENEZIA
assault weapons, you might picture a bunch of those bearded criminals out in the deserts of the Middle East, waving their blasphemous black and white flag while destroying civil liberties and praying for the Apocalypse. What if some of these religious extremists also believed in thoroughly basing the nation's laws on those found in religious scriptures, including the submission of wives to their husbands, and were convinced of the necessity of taking religion-dictated control over all the functions of public life: Business, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, Education, Family and Religion itself. What if capital punishment was prescribed for any and all "crimes against Family," including abortion, adultery, sodomy and belligerent youth disavowed by their own parents? Wouldn't such extremists be guilty not only of intolerance but also of wanting to create a theocracy, a State enmeshed with religion? Wouldn't such leaders be in the same class with the Taliban? To top it off, what if they believed that the Second Coming of Christ cannot possibly take place unless they get control of the Seven Mountains first, those seven functions of public life listed above, so that they and the anointed can eventually rule the world alongside an Avenging Christ, a muscle-bound Jesus who returns to punish unbelievers? Would such people sound more than a little whacky to you, and hardly Christian to boot? Yet, dear readers, such people exist. First they infiltrated the Tea Party, the movement which destabilized the Republican Party, and they are already holding positions of enormous power under everyone's nose. No doubt, they helped get Donald Trump elected. In an old video he said that he was running for President in order, he hoped, "to get into heaven." Now we know where he was coming from. The extremists in his administration subscribe to a school of religious thought called Dominion Theology, closely aligned with a more punitive school known as Christian Reconstructionism. They have been gaining a foothold in America for the past few decades, in the wake of moral and ethical degradation on the homefront. The President's strategic advisor has just used the term "deconstruction" to describe what the new administration's plans are for the future. Clearly, he is talking about undermining certain Constitutional guarantees and perhaps even reversing Supreme Court decisions, in order to rebuild, very possibly, in accordance with the vision of the founder of Christian Reconstructionism, a certain Rousas J. Rushdoony (1916-2001) who said, "We cannot use our thoughts and feelings as a standard: only God's Word is the test," and "The only true order is founded on Biblical Law. All law is religious in nature, and every non-Biblical law-order represents an anti-Christian religion." So, we see, "the anointed elect" or Rushdoony's "covenant people" believe that "He that is not with me is against me." To say that our laws represent an anti-Christian religion (secular humanism) is a very dangerous stretch. There are other religious extremists that have their irons in Rushdoony's fire: Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition, Institute for Christian Economics, the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), WallBuilders, the Senate Conservatives Fund, Keep the Promise Super PAC, Champion the Vote, IHOP, The Call, Christian Nationalists, ad nauseam. With a government founded on religion, secretly or not, it will probably become necessary to install a new Inquisition. What are the fruits of the labors of these extremists thus far, a month into the new presidency? Suddenly some of the nation's most respected news media are under attack, branded daily by their enemies as "fake news" and lately banned from briefings. Meanwhile, the administration is having an orgy with huge corporate interests who are counting on unchallenged monopolies along with major tax cuts. The State Department is headed by someone whose new boss has often called him "Mr. Exxon." As far as the environment goes, well, let God take care of His own creation. These extremists have more pressing things to think about, such as their own prosperity. Reproductive health centers have already begun to lose ground, including those in Africa where contraceptives were supplied for free with U.S. funds. The new head of the Department of Education believes strongly in funnelling taxpayers' money into private religious schools. She is an extremist as is her brother; he is advisor to the president as well as the founder of the world's biggest mercenary army which works today even for China. He was also the Vice-President's biggest financial supporter. The Vice-President doesn't accept the theory of evolution, so that widespread tampering with the Science curriculum in U.S. schools is likely to begin. As Rushdoony said, "The Bible is God's law -- word which must govern every sphere of life and thought." There are other fanatics waiting in the wings, neo-Crusaders who are itching to declare more war on the infidels, immigrants or not. And so what is that part of the Constitution that this new crop of leaders must strive to "deconstruct" first? The Founding Fathers, 90 to 95% of whom were practicing Christians, thought this point was so important in 1791 that they treated it first in the list of ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution known as the Bill of Rights. Written by James Madison, the First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." In other words, the State cannot interfere in the affairs of churches and, by the same token, churches cannot strive to become a State religion. The First Amendment continues with a few more precious rights: "(Congress shall make no law) . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." There it is, the First Amendment. And the last word. The Founding Fathers of the United States of America have spoken. Whoever has ears, let them hear! UN'AMERICANA A VENEZIA
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