song lyrics, adages, punch lines, etc. Today I was thinking about yesterday's mass shooting. Dozens were gunned down in Texas inside their church. Men, women, many children. Suddenly, a line from a poem by Emily Dickinson came to me: "This is my letter to the World that never wrote to me." Perhaps to help me understand, if possible, what might have been going on inside the head of the young male who made mass murder and suicide his final statement on earth. I found myself thinking about other news as well. Wars and rumors of wars. The Jewish American comedian who on national TV the night before the mass shooting had made jokes about approaching a girl for a date in a Nazi death camp. Then the stories about the Hollywood big shots and actors, not to mention politicians, who have been sexual predators for years, followed by all the political sludge involving deal makers and foreign powers who have managed to influence public opinion, thanks to Internet trolls, so that election campaigns can no longer be taken at face value. Social media have become an effective organ of propaganda. Even a popular pro-Trump blog, seemingly run by a woman, turned out to be phony. I could not overlook the worst of the news, obscene stories involving parents who have harmed their own children. Choking them on milk, duct taping them to the bed, beating them to death for not knowing their Bible verses. One American mother said to her husband a few days ago, "Babe, I shot the kids," an unintentional throwback to a movie title about shrinking the kids, not shooting them. I'll stop the news review right here and ask, rhetorically, what is happening today? Where is this destructive impulse coming from in so many individuals, not counting extremist terrorists? Is madness catching? Or has this behavior been inspired by pure Evil? I'm thinking of the narcissistic gambler who fired on the concert crowd in Las Vegas and the copycat who dressed all in black to kill Sunday churchgoers. Has Hollywood been sowing zombies? What with all the blood and guts. The serial killers. The evil clowns. Is some of this caused by too many video games and not enough parental guidance? But then, what about the parents? Are they absent and/or stupefied? To borrow a line from Pink Floyd, "The lunatic is in the hall." Today as I considered the news, an admonition came to mind. No, not "Winter is coming," a popular new line in America, picked up from a TV series, but rather, "an evil generation". I soon found the place in Matthew 16 where Jesus says, rebuking the Pharisees and the Sadducees who came asking for a sign, "When evening comes, you say, 'The weather will be fair, for the sky is red'; and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but not the signs of the times! A wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah." (Here Jesus was likely comparing Jonah's three days in the whale's belly to the three days He would lie in the tomb.) A lot of people have been completely seduced by technology, if not by arrogant atheists, into thinking that mankind no longer needs religion. Some scientists in Silicon Valley are preparing to replace religion with AI. Many are steering toward a whole new world religion. Some say that thanks to evolutionary science, the notion of a Creator is irrelevant. We have outgrown God, they think, refusing to understand that God is immeasurable, too vast and too benevolent for anyone to describe with mere words. All the bad things happening these days are a sign of the times, a clear signal that something is going very wrong with us. The Enemy is having a field day as modern society slips into a bottomless pit. We do need God. Children need God. Teenagers need God. Adults need God. Are we part of a wicked and adulterous generation? Expecting signs? Demanding them of the heavens lest we walk away from our faith? If we ignore the writing on the wall and fail to defend our one and only mighty fortress, then surely we are not only complicit but also doomed. UN’AMERICANA A VENEZIA
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614. THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES by un'Americana a Venezia
Catchphrases and
expressions we hear in passing stick in our memories. Such phrases might come from literature, scripts,
song lyrics, adages, punch lines, etc. Today I was thinking about yesterday's mass shooting. Dozens were gunned down in Texas inside their church. Men, women, many children. Suddenly, a line from a poem by Emily Dickinson came to me: "This is my letter to the World that never wrote to me." Perhaps to help me understand, if possible, what might have been going on inside the head of the young male who made mass murder and suicide his final statement on earth. I found myself thinking about other news as well. Wars and rumors of wars. The Jewish American comedian who on national TV the night before the mass shooting had made jokes about approaching a girl for a date in a Nazi death camp. Then the stories about the Hollywood big shots and actors, not to mention politicians, who have been sexual predators for years, followed by all the political sludge involving deal makers and foreign powers who have managed to influence public opinion, thanks to Internet trolls, so that election campaigns can no longer be taken at face value. Social media have become an effective organ of propaganda. Even a popular pro-Trump blog, seemingly run by a woman, turned out to be phony. I could not overlook the worst of the news, obscene stories involving parents who have harmed their own children. Choking them on milk, duct taping them to the bed, beating them to death for not knowing their Bible verses. One American mother said to her husband a few days ago, "Babe, I shot the kids," an unintentional throwback to a movie title about shrinking the kids, not shooting them. I'll stop the news review right here and ask, rhetorically, what is happening today? Where is this destructive impulse coming from in so many individuals, not counting extremist terrorists? Is madness catching? Or has this behavior been inspired by pure Evil? I'm thinking of the narcissistic gambler who fired on the concert crowd in Las Vegas and the copycat who dressed all in black to kill Sunday churchgoers. Has Hollywood been sowing zombies? What with all the blood and guts. The serial killers. The evil clowns. Is some of this caused by too many video games and not enough parental guidance? But then, what about the parents? Are they absent and/or stupefied? To borrow a line from Pink Floyd, "The lunatic is in the hall." Today as I considered the news, an admonition came to mind. No, not "Winter is coming," a popular new line in America, picked up from a TV series, but rather, "an evil generation". I soon found the place in Matthew 16 where Jesus says, rebuking the Pharisees and the Sadducees who came asking for a sign, "When evening comes, you say, 'The weather will be fair, for the sky is red'; and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but not the signs of the times! A wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah." (Here Jesus was likely comparing Jonah's three days in the whale's belly to the three days He would lie in the tomb.) A lot of people have been completely seduced by technology, if not by arrogant atheists, into thinking that mankind no longer needs religion. Some scientists in Silicon Valley are preparing to replace religion with AI. Many are steering toward a whole new world religion. Some say that thanks to evolutionary science, the notion of a Creator is irrelevant. We have outgrown God, they think, refusing to understand that God is immeasurable, too vast and too benevolent for anyone to describe with mere words. All the bad things happening these days are a sign of the times, a clear signal that something is going very wrong with us. The Enemy is having a field day as modern society slips into a bottomless pit. We do need God. Children need God. Teenagers need God. Adults need God. Are we part of a wicked and adulterous generation? Expecting signs? Demanding them of the heavens lest we walk away from our faith? If we ignore the writing on the wall and fail to defend our one and only mighty fortress, then surely we are not only complicit but also doomed. UN’AMERICANA A VENEZIA
song lyrics, adages, punch lines, etc. Today I was thinking about yesterday's mass shooting. Dozens were gunned down in Texas inside their church. Men, women, many children. Suddenly, a line from a poem by Emily Dickinson came to me: "This is my letter to the World that never wrote to me." Perhaps to help me understand, if possible, what might have been going on inside the head of the young male who made mass murder and suicide his final statement on earth. I found myself thinking about other news as well. Wars and rumors of wars. The Jewish American comedian who on national TV the night before the mass shooting had made jokes about approaching a girl for a date in a Nazi death camp. Then the stories about the Hollywood big shots and actors, not to mention politicians, who have been sexual predators for years, followed by all the political sludge involving deal makers and foreign powers who have managed to influence public opinion, thanks to Internet trolls, so that election campaigns can no longer be taken at face value. Social media have become an effective organ of propaganda. Even a popular pro-Trump blog, seemingly run by a woman, turned out to be phony. I could not overlook the worst of the news, obscene stories involving parents who have harmed their own children. Choking them on milk, duct taping them to the bed, beating them to death for not knowing their Bible verses. One American mother said to her husband a few days ago, "Babe, I shot the kids," an unintentional throwback to a movie title about shrinking the kids, not shooting them. I'll stop the news review right here and ask, rhetorically, what is happening today? Where is this destructive impulse coming from in so many individuals, not counting extremist terrorists? Is madness catching? Or has this behavior been inspired by pure Evil? I'm thinking of the narcissistic gambler who fired on the concert crowd in Las Vegas and the copycat who dressed all in black to kill Sunday churchgoers. Has Hollywood been sowing zombies? What with all the blood and guts. The serial killers. The evil clowns. Is some of this caused by too many video games and not enough parental guidance? But then, what about the parents? Are they absent and/or stupefied? To borrow a line from Pink Floyd, "The lunatic is in the hall." Today as I considered the news, an admonition came to mind. No, not "Winter is coming," a popular new line in America, picked up from a TV series, but rather, "an evil generation". I soon found the place in Matthew 16 where Jesus says, rebuking the Pharisees and the Sadducees who came asking for a sign, "When evening comes, you say, 'The weather will be fair, for the sky is red'; and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but not the signs of the times! A wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah." (Here Jesus was likely comparing Jonah's three days in the whale's belly to the three days He would lie in the tomb.) A lot of people have been completely seduced by technology, if not by arrogant atheists, into thinking that mankind no longer needs religion. Some scientists in Silicon Valley are preparing to replace religion with AI. Many are steering toward a whole new world religion. Some say that thanks to evolutionary science, the notion of a Creator is irrelevant. We have outgrown God, they think, refusing to understand that God is immeasurable, too vast and too benevolent for anyone to describe with mere words. All the bad things happening these days are a sign of the times, a clear signal that something is going very wrong with us. The Enemy is having a field day as modern society slips into a bottomless pit. We do need God. Children need God. Teenagers need God. Adults need God. Are we part of a wicked and adulterous generation? Expecting signs? Demanding them of the heavens lest we walk away from our faith? If we ignore the writing on the wall and fail to defend our one and only mighty fortress, then surely we are not only complicit but also doomed. UN’AMERICANA A VENEZIA
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